ConstexprJS hello world


You'll need the latest version of constexprjs to follow along with this article:

npm i -g constexprjs@latest

You'll also need python for serving your website. Create a new directory and start serving that directory over HTTP:

mkdir constexprjs_playground cd constexprjs_playground python -m http.server 3000

We will start by creating a simple webpage. Create an index.html inside the directory that is being served:

<html> <head> <title>Timestamp example</title> <script> function render_page() { const a = parseInt(document.querySelector('#a').textContent) const b = parseInt(document.querySelector('#b').textContent) document.querySelector('#result').textContent = a + b + '' document.querySelector('#timestamp').textContent = new Date() } window.onload = render_page </script> </head> <body> <h1>Compile Time Evaluation</h1> <p> <span id="a">2</span> + <span id="b">2</span> = <span id="result">?</span> </p> <p> This page was rendered on : <span id="timestamp"></span> </p> </body> </html>

Open http://localhost:3000 in a browser. You should see a page with the equation result and the current date-time. Try reloading the page. You should see the timestamp change with each reload.

This page contains some javascript that takes two numbers from the DOM, adds them, and stores the result back in the DOM. We can use constexprjs to evaluate and strip the javascript that does this ahead of time. To do that, mark the script tag that does this work as constexpr and modify the code so that it calls the constexprjs compilation hook after it has done its work:

... <script constexpr> function render_page() { const a = parseInt(document.querySelector('#a').textContent) const b = parseInt(document.querySelector('#b').textContent) document.querySelector('#result').textContent = a + b + '' document.querySelector('#timestamp').textContent = new Date() window._ConstexprJS_.compile() } window.onload = render_page </script> ...

And run the constexprjs compiler:

constexprjs --input=. --output=_out --entry=/index.html

This will generate a file _out/index.html. You can access it at http://localhost:3000/_out. This will be the content of that generated webpage:

<html><head> <title>Timestamp example</title> </head> <body> <h1>Compile Time Evaluation</h1> <p> <span id="a">2</span> + <span id="b">2</span> = <span id="result">4</span> </p> <p> This page was rendered on : <span id="timestamp">Sat Oct 07 2023 18:26:49 GMT+0530 (India Standard Time)</span> </p> </body></html>

As you can see, it does not have any javascript. Since the javascript that generates the webpage will be stripped out, we don't have to worry about bloat. Let's include jquery for doing DOM manipulation:

wget <script constexpr src="./jquery-3.6.0.min.js"></script> <script constexpr> function render_page() { const a = parseInt($('#a').text()) const b = parseInt($('#b').text()) $('#result').text(a + b + '') $('#timestamp').text(new Date()) window._ConstexprJS_.compile() } window.onload = render_page </script> ...

Note that we are including the jquery file as constexpr. This new input HTML will generate the exact same HTML as output (except the timestamp). Let's now add some styling to our page and extract the rendering code to a separate javascript file:


:root { background: #af7070; } body { width: 50%; margin: auto; padding: 1em; display: flex; flex-direction: column; align-items: center; } #timestamp, p:nth-child(2) { padding: 3px; background: #f3b0b0; border-radius: 2px; }


function render_page() { const a = parseInt($('#a').text()) const b = parseInt($('#b').text()) $('#result').text(a + b + '') $('#timestamp').text(new Date()) window._ConstexprJS_.compile() } window.onload = render_page


... <script constexpr src="./jquery-3.6.0.min.js"></script> <script constexpr src="./renderer.js"></script> <link rel="stylesheet" href="./styles.css"> ...

Now when you run the compiler, styles.css will be copied to the _out directory. jquery-3.6.0.min.js and renderer.js will not be copied to the output directory since they are included as constexpr. The compiler will copy other types of resources as well.

See pages tagged with constexprjs for more guides.